Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The day I got screwed....

And pinned and plated! Yeah, and I DID NOT enjoy it! 
Here I am with hubby..... Yes, all smiles only because I was so sleep deprived and the pain meds were wearing off!

Next I report to my command post... Why do I refer the pre-op room with this term? Well,let's back up and look up the word "Commando". Thanks to urbandictionay.com here is the definition: 

(v.) To not wear underwear. The origins for this are either "out in the open" or "ready for action". Maybe others. 
Yes, my pre-op room was the place that strip down to nothing.... and handed a paper-like gown that had holes, slits and plastic bags. 
Me in my $600 gown (you know what I mean!) attempting not to freak out because I thought I was getting a nice cloth gown ( who would have thought nice and hospital gown in the same breath would ever happen!). Plus, the Barney gown was hot and noisy.... WTF! It' was hot in the room or perhaps a hot flash? It didn't matter I was sweating.... Did I mention that the pain was creeping in.... Well, that Barney gown proved it was ok....
You see Barney gown had a opening in it so I could have cool air ... so I could cool down! 

Before I knew it, I was drugged up; marked on,and was handing my glasses to hubby and him giving me a kiss for luck! I got into the op room, I made funny and slid on the table. I do remember telling them that i was just going to sleep. 

About 3 hours later, I wake up in recovery and my darling angel of a husband is there to greet me. 
I was ready to just go home.....

Saturday, March 22, 2014

'Twas the night before....

I shall begin with ..... 
'Twas the
night before surgery, and all through my thoughts was "holy mother of pearl"! Look at my ankle! It's a such a freakin' mess!
There is no words to describe my surprise, horror and fear! Then I quickly thought to myself.... I didn't even get that damn cold beer! I was stone cold Sober. 
As I ponder my thoughts and of course with great fear.... What if I am stuck like this for more than a year! 

Ok, with all rhyming aside, I couldn't sleep because my son and his friend were playing video games and no matter how much I asked them to turn it down it didn't work..... So, I decided to embrace the sleepless night and got lost in Pinterest. Yes, from 12am-4:30am I spent pinning things on Pinterest. Little did I realize that my whole world was going to be rocked!

Things you miss.....

It's been 17 days since I broke my stupid ankle. It's been intresting because I have discovered so many things about myself and people. I also realized the things I miss and how this injury has left me a little bummed out. 
I have missed my daughter's color guard performances. My kids are growing up and I have such little time left with them before they leave the nest. I am disappointed in myself because I am missing important parts of my daugher's life. I only get one shot at being a good mother and today I feel like I have let everyone down. Yes, I do realize that I am on a pity party and know that I am just bummed out. 
When you break your ankle and can't move or do anything for yourself, you can easily get depressed. So, today has had my first low moment. I know that I will recover from this...... 

I got screwed, pin and plated last Friday...

It's been  a week since I got "repaired" and 2 and a half weeks since I broke my stupid left ankle. Let's recap .....
This is my ankle 30 min after....still on shock!
Me the day after at the doctors office. This is where I learn that I broke my ankle in 3 places and that I sprained my right ankle.
Yep, in all my wounded glory....  Then I remind myself.... You were sober! Need to make up good story.
Day 3: this splint/cast was itchy! And I have to see a trauma surgeon......
This where I say .... Heavy cast..... Shoot me....the trauma surgeon made my splint/cast awesome again.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

How did you do it?

Why YES, I get asked this a lot. I just haven't come up with a good awesome daredevil story. The truth is my friend and I were walking into a bar and I tripped and fell. In the picture the blue circle represents where I broke my lt ankle and sprained my right.
I can clearly remember hearing and feeling of the break. I was in a state of shock when I called my husband to pick me up because there was no way I was going to leave a bar in an ambulance! By the way did I mention that we were walking into the bar? Which means I did this totally SOBER! 
This is me still in shock and on pain meds. 
After several X-rays and having to have my bone reset in place. I got my awesome splint! 
Here is an awesome selfie with my amazing husband. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

As the days are slowly going by....

On March 5, 2014, I broke my left ankle. The proper medical term is Called a trimalleolar fracture is a fracture of the ankle that involves the lateral and medial malleolus and the distal posterior aspect of the tibia, which is the  posterior malleolus. The trauma is sometimes accompanied by ligament damage and dislocation. 
This my ankle about 30 min after it happened..... I guess I need to back up and tell the story of how I got to this moment......